What's So Important About the Ascension
Series: Luke Topic: The Ascension Scripture: Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:9-11, John 14:1-4, John 14:26, Romans 8:1-39, Ephesians 5:27, John 14:1-31
We all love Christmas and Easter. Our churches all make it a point to celebrate these great events in the time of our Savior on Earth as being incredibly significant. The work of Christ of salvation, fulfilled prophecy and resurrection was complete. This passage in Luke reminds us how important it is to preach on the ascension and to give it the place that it deserves in Christ's work on Earth and His continued work that He does. Luke tells us that there were lives that changed from doubters to being the first witnesses to go forth and tell the world of Christ's salvation. It also tells us what a blessing it is to us now, as Christ sent a Comforter in the Holy Spirit. He has also gone to prepare a place for His bride in glory for all of eternity.
Primary Scripture: Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:9-11
other sermons in this series
Apr 24
Blessings Of Heart Burn
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35, Hosea 4:6 Series: Luke
Apr 17
Remember The Resurrection
Scripture: Luke 24:1-12, Luke 2:13-14, 1 Corinthians 19 :30, Matthew 28:5–6, Matthew 16:21, Acts 16:14, Romans 10:9–10, 1 Corinthians 15:1–13, Acts 2:24–41, John 11:25, Psalm 17:15, 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 Series: Luke
Apr 10
When Watching Isn’t Enough
Scripture: Luke 23:33-49, Isaiah 53:4-8, 1 Corinthians 15:3, Matthew 27:44 Series: Luke