How Do I Inherit Eternal Life?
Series: Luke Topic: Eternal Life Scripture: Luke 10:25-28, John 5:39, John 3:36, Matthew 22:38-40, Deuteronomy 6:4-6, John 14:6, Acts 3:19, John 11:25, John 10:28, 3 John 15-16, John 5:39, Romans 6:23
This passage is so reflective of the whole of the Bible, "how do I inherit eternal life?" The Bible tells us that there is nothing more important to a person than their eternal destiny. There are only two options and that is either heaven or hell. The lawyer in this passage asked this great question that we all need to answer and Jesus told him that since he is a scribe what he thought would be the answer. He answered by summing up the moral law which would be correct, except that no one can keep it. We are led in this passage to Jesus Christ as the only provision in order to receive eternal life.
Primary Scripture: Luke 10:25-28
other sermons in this series
May 1
What's So Important About the Ascension
Scripture: Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:9-11, John 14:1-4, John 14:26, Romans 8:1-39, Ephesians 5:27, John 14:1-31 Series: Luke
Apr 24
Blessings Of Heart Burn
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Apr 17
Remember The Resurrection
Scripture: Luke 24:1-12, Luke 2:13-14, 1 Corinthians 19 :30, Matthew 28:5–6, Matthew 16:21, Acts 16:14, Romans 10:9–10, 1 Corinthians 15:1–13, Acts 2:24–41, John 11:25, Psalm 17:15, 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 Series: Luke