November 3, 2019

Worship And Your Soul

Series: Worship Topic: worship, Worship And Your Soul Scripture: Romans 12:1-2, Luke 10:27, Psalm 116:12-13

Sometimes our culture demands mood music or they think that the experience they seek will be lacking and that includes the Church.  We look for artificial stimulation as the reason to worship instead of being the result of our worship.  We are reminded that worship begins in the soul, the spirit, the heart of a person; that is deep within us that the Holy Spirit works His work.  In Romans 12:1-2 we are told that our "reasonable service" is a result of this.  We are reminded of God's mercy particularly in our salvation and that it brings a worshipful result.

other sermons in this series

Dec 15



Scripture: Luke 1:5-17–26-33 Series: Worship

Dec 8



Scripture: Matthew 2:1-11, Luke 2:8-20 Series: Worship

Nov 24


Worship With Thanks

Scripture: Luke 17:11-19, Psalm 100, 1 Thessalonians 5, 1 Corinthians 10:31, 2 Corinthians 4:15 Series: Worship