Coming Of The Antichrist (2)
Series: 2 Thessalonians Topic: Antichrist Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, Daniel 7, Revelation 13:3-4, Genesis 6:3, Acts 7:51, Revelation 19:19-20–11-16
There are always many questions that rise about not only the identity of the Antichrist, but his time of appearing. The Bible gives some key indicators with the Rapture and Tribulation and since he hasn't appeared we know we aren't in the Tribulation. He will appear initially as a peacemaker and a world leader. At the halfway point he will break a covenant with Israel and set himself up as Christ. The Holy Spirit is another indicator of the time of the Antichrist when His ministry of resisting sin is taken away. But, God is Sovereign and on the throne and has the final victory with the Antichrist thrown into the Lake of Fire.
other sermons in this series
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What God Says About Work
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Faithfulness Of God
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Request To Pray For Us
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