July 7, 2019

Blessings In Strange Places

Series: ACTS Topic: Blessings Scripture: Acts 28:1-15

Paul and the 275 men aboard the sinking ship are Providentially saved and blessed by God's hand.  They end up on the island of Malta and they are blessed by the pagan people that live on the island with warmth and food.  Paul in helping keep the fires going is unfazed when bitten by a poisonous snake while the islanders wait for him to die.  The result was the blessing of an open door to authenticate the Gospel message with miraculous healing and the declaring of salvation in Christ Jesus.  After three months on the island Paul left as a friend implying that people were saved and perhaps a church established.

other sermons in this series

Jul 14


Unbridled Gospel

Scripture: Acts 28:16-31 Series: ACTS

Jun 16


Paul's Calming Strength

Scripture: Acts 27:1-26 Series: ACTS

Jun 2


Trying To Get Me Saved? (2)

Scripture: Acts 26:4-32 Series: ACTS