Paul lived the Christian life not only in front of other Christians but in front of all people. He was in every sense authentic in his faith. When Paul was being taken to Rome from Caesarea aboard ship as a prisoner he continued to display not only strength but a calming influence to all aboard. Paul was bolstered by the brethren who were allowed to go with him on the royal grain ship. He blessed them spiritually and they were blessing to him. Paul's testimony was so evident that the centurion in charge gave him liberty and didn't worry he might escape. Finally in the storm that came, Paul was a comfort and a help in guiding them and supporting those aboard.
other sermons in this series
Jul 14
Unbridled Gospel
Scripture: Acts 28:16-31 Series: ACTS
Jul 7
Blessings In Strange Places
Scripture: Acts 28:1-15 Series: ACTS
Jun 2
Trying To Get Me Saved? (2)
Scripture: Acts 26:4-32 Series: ACTS