March 24, 2019

Dealing With Injustice

Series: ACTS Topic: Injustice Scripture: Acts 21:26-40

Paul was is in Jerusalem and was asked to placate the believing Jews that he had not given up the ways of Judaism.  The leaders request that he does a cleansing and joins in with others taking a Nazarite vow by paying for their offerings.  Paul is seen in the Temple by unbelieving Jews that want him condemned and incite a crowd with drummed up charges against him.  Christians deal with injustice by both being in an unjust world but also because we see injustices against the things of the Lord.  The message is to remind us how we are to respond to injustices that we face in a godly way.

other sermons in this series

Jul 14


Unbridled Gospel

Scripture: Acts 28:16-31 Series: ACTS

Jul 7


Blessings In Strange Places

Scripture: Acts 28:1-15 Series: ACTS

Jun 16


Paul's Calming Strength

Scripture: Acts 27:1-26 Series: ACTS