God's Provision Of Partners
Series: ACTS Topic: Partnering in Ministry Scripture: Acts 18:1-8
Sometimes even the strongest and most capable of God's servants get discouraged and lonely. In the case of Paul, he had been hounded and vilified almost everywhere he went. He often had to escape on his own and to go to a new place to minister the Gospel. In this section we meet Aquila and Priscilla the fellow tent makers of Paul who provide fellowship, funds and partnership in the ministry. Later Silas and Timothy return back to Paul to help in his needs. We see the value of partnering in the ministry as God sends help to His people that give of themselves to the Lord.
other sermons in this series
Jul 14
Unbridled Gospel
Scripture: Acts 28:16-31 Series: ACTS
Jul 7
Blessings In Strange Places
Scripture: Acts 28:1-15 Series: ACTS
Jun 16
Paul's Calming Strength
Scripture: Acts 27:1-26 Series: ACTS