Post-Christian Evangelism
Series: ACTS Topic: Post-Christian Evangelism Scripture: Acts 17:16-34
Paul left Berea with the usual run out of the city and made a solo visit to Athens the cultural hub of the world. Paul set his evangelism in the synagogue but also in the marketplace knowing that he was dealing with a culture that liked to hear new things. The elite and the movers and the shakers took Paul to Mars Hill where they allowed him to defend his religious beliefs. Paul introduced them to the Lord Jesus Christ in the manner of what they called the unknown god and Paul said this God is the giver of life, can't be made into an idol and came and died and rose again for sinners
other sermons in this series
Jul 14
Unbridled Gospel
Scripture: Acts 28:16-31 Series: ACTS
Jul 7
Blessings In Strange Places
Scripture: Acts 28:1-15 Series: ACTS
Jun 16
Paul's Calming Strength
Scripture: Acts 27:1-26 Series: ACTS