Providential Help
Series: Providence of God Topic: Providential Help Scripture: Genesis 22, Psalm 34:1, Romans 8:28, Daniel 3:26-29, Esther 4, John 3
There is a tendency on the part of Christians to ignore the workings of God. God is at work always, be it big or small and He is working all things after the counsel of His own will. The Bible verifies that God is in charge and is acting in the midst of time, space and history. A classic case would be the hand of God in the book of Esther when Haman attempted to eradicate the Jews and God intervened in His own Providencial way. Sometimes God uses reluctant people like Jonah to go win the city of Nineveh for God. He likes to wisely punctuate Himself into life in incomprehensible ways even using difficult people to do His will. We are called to trust His Providential work and find the blessing of His power.
Primary Scripture: Various