Death And Life
Series: The Book of Romans Topic: Death and Life Scripture: Romans 5:12-21
Death is perhaps the most awful consequence of our being born in Adam's sin. As death came into the world by one man, also by one man the Lord Jesus Christ who rose again victorious and give us life abundantly in Him.
other sermons in this series
Apr 6
Can You Lose Your Salvation (2)
Scripture: Romans 5:1-11, 1 Peter 1:4-5, Ephesians 2:1, 1 Timothy 1:1, Romans 8:18,24 Series: The Book of Romans
Apr 6
Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Scripture: Romans 5:1-5, Ephesians 2:14, Romans 1:18, Romans 2:5, Psalm 7:11, John 14:27, Colossians 1, 1 Corinthians 15:1, Jude 24 Series: The Book of Romans
Apr 2
Potent Promise Of God
Scripture: Romans 4:13-25, Hebrews 10:4, Genesis 15:5, Genesis 15:18-21, Genesis 12:3, Galatians 3:8, Hebrews 11:10 Series: The Book of Romans