Who Do We Prefer?
Series: The Family Topic: Who's on the throne of our hearts? Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7, Luke 14:26, Genesis 29:15-20–30-31, Genesis 25:28
On Mother's Day there is a desire on the part of the participants to honor their mom. It's not that we want to be curmudgeons and take things away from the day, but sometimes there is a tendency to forget the Lord and honor the clay instead of the Creator. In 2 Cor.4:7, the Word reminds us that we are clay jars and the treasure is found in the Maker. The question we must ask is who's on the throne of our hearts? The Lord said that we can't be a true disciple of His unless He is our preference over all others. This is not a call to not love mom or our family, this is a call to love Jesus more.