April 21, 2019

Benefits Of Christ's Resurrection

Series: Easter Topic: Crucifixion Scripture: Romans 5, 1 Corinthians 15

Sometimes during the Easter season we tack the resurrection of Christ down as important, but often not on our hearts and minds like Christmas.  After all we don't look forward to presents, Easter carols and parties.  We find it of great value to remember the benefits of the resurrection of Christ.  The resurrection gave us the benefit of righteousness in Christ because if He had not arose our faith would be futile, 1 Cor.15:17 and the punishment would not be complete.  We have the benefit of life in Christ both now and eternally.  Finally we have the benefit of joy that can only be found in knowing the resurrected Christ.

other sermons in this series

Mar 31


"Christ: The Confession of The Church"

Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:14–16 Series: Easter

Apr 9


The Perfect Redemption of Christ

Pastor: Joe Divelbiss Scripture: 1 Peter 1:17-21, 1 Corinthians 15:1-21 Series: Easter

Apr 2


The Perfect Death of Christ

Pastor: Joe Divelbiss Scripture: Isaiah 53 Series: Easter