December 8, 2024

"Good News of Grace, Peace, and Love"

Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Series: Ephesians Topic: Grace, Peace, and Love Scripture: Ephesians 6:21–24

The Apostle Paul concludes his letter to the Ephesians with a brief explanation of the messenger he sent to deliver it, the reasons why he sent him, and then ends with greetings to the church at Ephesians, and every true believer.

Sermon Handout

other sermons in this series

Nov 24


Walking in War Pt 3 Our Defense

Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Ephesians 6:16–17 Series: Ephesians

Nov 17


Walking in War Pt, 2: Our Uniform

Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Ephesians 6:14–15 Series: Ephesians