Psalm 28 - My Strength and My Stronghold
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Series: Psalms Scripture: Psalm 28:1–9
David expresses both his desperate need for God to respond to his pleas for redemption from, and retribution upon the wicked, as well as his bold confidence that God hears his prayers, And will redeem him from his enemies.
other sermons in this series
Nov 24
Psalm 29- "The Voice of Glory"
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Psalm 29:1–11 Series: Psalms
Nov 3
Psalm 27 "One Trust, One Hope, One Thing"
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Psalm 27:1–14 Series: Psalms
Oct 27
Psalm 26 "Give Me Justice, of Give Me Heaven"
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Psalm 26:1 Series: Psalms