The Final Countdown Pt. 2: Power & Dominion
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Series: Daniel Topic: Future Events Scripture: Daniel 11:1–45
Daniel records the revelation of specific kings and kingdoms which the angel tells him in his last vision that relate to the nation and people of Israel in both the near, and far distant future, and particularly those who might destroy her.
other sermons in this series
Aug 25
“The Final Countdown Pt. 3: The Last Days”
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Daniel 12:1–13 Series: Daniel
Aug 11
“The Final Countdown Pt. 1: God & Generals”
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Daniel 10:1–21 Series: Daniel
Aug 4
The State of Israel Pt. 3: Future Hope Decreed
Pastor: Joseph Divelbiss Scripture: Daniel 9:20–27 Series: Daniel