What Amazing Faith Looks Like
Series: Luke Topic: What Faith Looks Like, Faith Scripture: Luke 7:1-10, Luke 6:20-49
What Amazing Faith Looks Like
Our Lord is an amazing God by every sense of the word. As the Gospel song says, "He's more than amazing.." The Centurion in this passage is said by Jesus that he marveled or was amazed by this man's faith. The intent being that the Centurion's faith was outstanding and more than was seen by Jesus throughout Israel. Luke in his writing by the Holy Spirit, made it a point to show us what the truly repentant person of faith looks like from Luke 6. We are called to be of such great faith.
Primary Scripture: Luke 7:1-10
other sermons in this series
May 1
What's So Important About the Ascension
Scripture: Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:9-11, John 14:1-4, John 14:26, Romans 8:1-39, Ephesians 5:27, John 14:1-31 Series: Luke
Apr 24
Blessings Of Heart Burn
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35, Hosea 4:6 Series: Luke
Apr 17
Remember The Resurrection
Scripture: Luke 24:1-12, Luke 2:13-14, 1 Corinthians 19 :30, Matthew 28:5–6, Matthew 16:21, Acts 16:14, Romans 10:9–10, 1 Corinthians 15:1–13, Acts 2:24–41, John 11:25, Psalm 17:15, 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 Series: Luke