The Jews were historically separated from the Gentiles. God called out a people of His own and they were not to be polluted by the paganism of the surrounding nations. After the Lord Jesus went to the cross, His salvation was for more than the Jews but for also the Gentiles, Romans 1:16. God is not partial, He is not a respecter of people, He saves the poor, people of all races and tribes, both genders and works in His own glorious way. God brought Peter and Cornelius together so that these Gentiles would be saved and was a turning point for both saved Jews and Gentiles as the Great Commision continued to march on.
other sermons in this series
Jul 14
Unbridled Gospel
Scripture: Acts 28:16-31 Series: ACTS
Jul 7
Blessings In Strange Places
Scripture: Acts 28:1-15 Series: ACTS
Jun 16
Paul's Calming Strength
Scripture: Acts 27:1-26 Series: ACTS